Getting on the MAP!

Hundreds of Sangre de Cristo Electric Association members came together over the past two months to oppose the rate changes and advocate for fairer electric rates for all members in our communities along the Upper Arkansas valley.  Members spoke loudly and clearly that they expect transparency, inclusion and improved communication from OUR electric cooperative.  Now we must stand ready to work closely with the Board in addressing members' concerns, interests and values as our co-op assesses rate restructuring and our energy future.

This is our opportunity to formulate a member engagement initiative and make our voices heard on how we want to navigate our energy future in the valley.  As a group we have made a tremendous impact in just two months and accomplished great things.  But as a group we also have a responsibility as co-op members to help develop and be part of solutions, including rate restructuring and sourcing energy supplies that are renewable and sustainable.

There are more questions than answers right now, and that is healthy.  It will promote collaboration and an open exchange of ideas.  Part of why there are still so many questions among us is the continuing lack of two-way dialogue, transparency and answers to legitimate questions that have been asked of our co-op’s leaders.  This continues to be a source of frustration for many of us, particularly since Board Policy No. A-3 contains the following provision on pages 5 and 6:

C. Relationships

2. External

i. Consumers

a. To inform, advise, and enlist the continuing support and understanding on all problems affecting the interest of the members as consumers and owners

b. To accept information which should be relayed to management.”

It’s our time, and really perfect timing, for us as a growing group of members to take the lead and tell OUR co-op what WE want, not what they expect members to accept when they roll out the next plan hatched behind closed doors.  So:

  • What should this member engagement group look like?  

  • What should it be called?  

  • Should it be controlled by our co-op Board or stand independently?  

  • How many members should be in the group?  

  • Who or what should they represent?  Solar?  No solar?  Residential?  Commercial?  Full and part-time residents?  

  • What about our group or the co-op conducting a formal survey of members?  

All good questions in need of your input via email to or a post to our Facebook page (Ark Valley Coalition for a Sustainable Energy Future).

In closing, I would like us to consider creating a MAP - Member Advisory Panel - consisting of nine members serving as “voices to navigate our energy future”, quasi-independent from us (AVCSEF) and from them (Sangre de Cristo) to serve as a two-way sounding board for sharing ideas and knowledge from each side.  However, we need to eliminate us vs. them thinking to make this work.  We are all in this together, including our kids, and their kids, and so on.  The energy future (and climate) is changing so rapidly; we owe it to future generations to not mess this up.  

That brings up yet another question; shouldn’t we be asking our kids what we need to be doing?

With thanks and appreciation for all you have done so far, 

Rich Shoemaker

Vice Chair AVCSEF


That old Inconvenient Truth, dang it all


What did the board decide on February 23rd?