Climate & Energy Issues
Watch Discussions from the 2022 Climate Week
The NYT has archived discussions from the climate week in new york city. Sees those discussions here.
The Paris Climate Agreement - Everything you need to know
The Paris Agreement charted a new course in the effort to combat global climate change, requiring countries to make commitments and progressively strengthen them. Here’s what the accord seeks to achieve, and why our future may depend on its success.
Preliminary Report: The Climate and Energy Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
This report describes the national-scale energy system and greenhouse gas emissions impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), as released by the Senate Democratic Leadership on July 27, 2022.
The Biden Administration wants to cut Geothermal costs by 90%
The Biden administration has announced an ambitious new goal to make the use geothermal energy "widespread," underlining the administration's efforts to phase out the country's reliance on fossil fuels.
World heading into ‘uncharted territory of destruction’, says climate report
The world’s chances of avoiding the worst ravages of climate breakdown are diminishing rapidly, as we enter “uncharted territory of destruction” through our failure to cut greenhouse gas emissions and take the actions needed to stave off catastrophe, leading scientists have said.