In our effort to help SDCEA transition to a new energy future, we are not alone.
Other awesome organizations
San Juan Citizens Alliance
In Southwest Colorado, a citizens organization has been working hard to improve their utility La Plata Electric Association. They are doing some ground breaking things and are about to save their membership millions of dollars every year while reducing emissions
Members for Reform
A coalition of Colorado cooperative members working toward lower rates, cleaner, healthier power, & resilient local economies for rural Colorado
Clean Cooperative
A great source for the latest news and analysis on Tristate and its current and former cooperatives.
Western Colorado Alliance
An organization focused on western colorado, helping to organize for productive change at rural cooperatives.
We Own It
A national organization of people trying to help their cooperatives be more responsive and transparent. It’s not just here in Sangre, the issue is very widespread
Citizen's Climate Lobby
Chaffee County Chapter of the international citizens organization committed to action to address climate change.
POW Action Fund
The Protect Our Winters Action Fund works to make action on climate change a top policy priority for the outdoor sports community.