Join us for our November Tech Talk as we envision what the world will be like after we move toward complete electrification. Our guest speaker will be Julia Moravcsik, President of Denver Electric Vehicle Council and member of the Boulder Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL) Chapter. Topics of discussion will include:
New technologies and how they are better and cheaper
How can we speed up the rate of adoption
How will these technologies change our lives for the better
This presentation will be held in conjunction with the Chaffee County CCL Chapter. The meeting will be by Zoom videoconference. To join, cut & paste the URL address below (if you need them, the Meeting ID is 735 432 3167, and the Passcode is 7632020):
Join Zoom Meeting -
To join by phone instead, you can dial 346-248-7799 and enter Meeting ID 735 432 3167.
Questions? Please email Sandy Long: